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Parshas Mishpatim 5784

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Click here to download the February calendar מי שנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה! we all haRead more...

Parshas Yisro 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the February calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenu

Parshas Beshalach 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the January calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Bo 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the January calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Vaera 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the January calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Shemos 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the January calendar Click here to listen to the Shiur from Monday night by HRead more...

Parshas Vayechi 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the January calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Vayigash 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the December calendar Click here to download the January calendar Khal ORead more...

Parshas Mikeitz 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the December calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenu

Parshas Vayeshev 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the December calendar Shabbos Chanukah Oneg!
Zos Chanukah Seudah!

Parshas Vayishlach 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the December calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Vayetzei 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the November calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Toldos 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the November calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Chayei Sara 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the November calendar Click the image below to register for the Symphony of TRead more...

Parshas Vayera 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the November calendar Next Week! RSVP Required for the Motzei Shabbos Melava Read more...

Parshas Lech Lecha 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the November calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Noach 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the October calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Bereishis 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the October calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Bereishis 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the October calendar Girls Groups will be re-starting this week! To register, cRead more...

Succos 5784

Click here to donate to join Choson Bereishis! Click here to download the October calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Linc

Parshas Haazinu 5784

Click here to download the bulletin
Did you pay for membership yet? Click Here to access the form Click here to donate to the Choson BereishiRead more...

Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Yomim Noraim Seat will only be available until Monday. Click here to reserve now! Click here to download Read more...

Parshas Ki Savo 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to reserve seats for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Click here to download the September calendaRead more...

Parshas Ki Seitzei 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the August calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Shoftim 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the August calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Re'eh 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the August calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Eikev 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the August calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Parshas Vaeschanan 5783

Click here to download the bulletin
Click here to download the August calendar Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue

Mincha Schedule for Today

Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60659

Tisha B'Av Schedule 5783

Khal Ohr Yisocher Chodorov
6336 N. Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60659
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784